Motion Computing Tablet PC Pen Motion C5 Quick Start Manual

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Motion Computing C5 Quick start - Page 1
Motion Computing C5 Quick start - Page 2
To power up the Motion C5, use the following steps:
Press the Power Button for a second or two. Note the green light that
surrounds the button will illuminate.
When the Windows login asks you to press the “CNTL-ALT-DEL” keys,
you will press the SAS button on the right side of the Motion C5.
This button has the picture of the key.
Using the pen and on-screen keyboard, enter your username and
password as directed by your organization.
Depending on the complexity of your organization’s login parameters,
the quickest method may be to use the C5 docking station with an
attached keyboard and mouse.
Helpful Pen Tips
• Sit or stand comfortably
• Hold the pen like a regular pen
• Do not position your finger on the Right Click Button
• It’s ok to rest your hand on the screen
• Script (cursive) is more readily recognized by the Tablet PC
• Calibrate the digitizer and pen for better cursor alignment
(See Training Manual for details)
TToopp RRiigghhtt CCoorrnneerr ((ssiiddee vviieeww))
CC55 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt
GGuuiiddee ffoorr CClliinniicciiaannss
Using the Pen
Using the Tablet PC pen is similar to using a mouse.
To right-click, hold down the Function Button on the pen.
The following table explains the similarities between a
Tablet PC pen and a mouse.
Power Button
Fingerprint Reader
SAS Button
Camera Button
Pen Tip Right-Click Button
(Function Button)
On the Mouse With the Pen
OOppeenn aapppplliiccaattiioonn oorr ffiillee
SSeelleecctt aanndd ddrraagg
DDiissppllaayy pprrooppeerrttiieess oorr eeddiitt
ffuunnccttiioonnss ((ccuutt,, ccooppyy,, ppaassttee))
Point and tap on display
Double tap on display
Tap and drag
Press and hold the Right-Click Button down, then tap the
screen; or hold the pen on the display until the mouse icon
appears, and then remove the pen tip from the display
Point and click
Click and drag
Right-click and hold