Epson FX-980 Supplementary Manual

Download Technical brief of Epson 2070 - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer Printer, Software for Free or View it Online on This version of Epson 2070 - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer Manual compatible with such list of devices, as: 2190 - FX B/W Dot-matrix Printer, 2190N - FX B/W Dot-matrix Printer, 680Pro - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer, FX-980, LQ 670 - B/W Dot-matrix Printer

Epson 2070 - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer Technical brief - Page 1
Epson 2070 - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer Technical brief - Page 2
Epson 2070 - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer Technical brief - Page 3
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Epson 2070 - LQ B/W Dot-matrix Printer Technical brief - Page 7
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Printing technology
Control code/emulation
Paper handling
SmartPark™ settings
This technical brief provides detailed information on the following topics, related to all EPSON impact
Flexible interfacing
Built-in fonts
Computer-based set-up
Functionality—Printing technology
Impact printers are either 9- or 24-pin, which determines the type of printing and the number of multi-part
forms that the printer are capable of printing.
Ribbon quality
Ribbon cartridge reliability
Total Print Volume vs. MTBF
Off-carriage motor assembly
Nine-pin impact printers — These printers have the sturdiest printhead pins which:
Twenty-four-pin impact printers
— These printers have finer printhead pins which:
Why buy an impact printer? An impact printer has several advantages over any other type of printer:
Low cost — both in purchase price and low cost of ownership
Flexible paper handling — only impact printers can handle multi-part forms and multiple paper paths
that can all have paper loaded and waiting.
Reliability — EPSON impact printers are renowned for their reliability with tireless printheads and
superior quality ribbons.
Hit the paper hard to make impressions through the thickest multi-part forms
Offer the fastest print speeds
Print from High Speed Draft up to Near Letter Quality
Hit the paper less hard to make impressions through most multi-part forms
Offer finer Letter Quality printing
Print from High Speed Draft up to Letter Quality
The name of an EPSON's impact printer tells you if it is a 9- or a 24-pin printer, and whether it has a narrow
or wide carriage:
narrow carriage
Nine-pin printers all begin with FX, LX, or DFX
Twenty-four pin printers all begin with LQ
Wide carriage printers have 4 number in their names
Narrow carriage printers have 3 numbers in their names